There is no possible way that I could catch everybody up on the past 6 months...or has it been more? But it is time that I begin blogging again. Everyday these sweet boys do the cutest things that I swear I have to remember. I absolutely can not believe how fast these past 2 1/2 years have gone by and it scares me to think of what I have already forgotten. So, here we go, I'm back on the blogging bandwagon...
Jones is a typical two year old right now. I don't want to title him as being in the "terrible twos" simply because I love this stage that he is in. He LOVES his momma right now and he isn't afraid to tell me or show me how much. I have a bad bad habit of sleeping in his toddler bed until he falls asleep (I actually really like the bad habit, myself). And everyone that knows me knows just how much I am always kissing my boys. It's like I can't ever get enough kisses from them. Well, last night I had just laid my head down on Jones' small "night night pillow" and had just closed my eyes, when I felt this really soft, wet kiss on my forehead. That's right. It was precious. Jones had leaned over and kissed me good night. Then it was as if he couldn't get enough kisses! He kissed each cheek, then my nose, my forehead and gave me one right on the lips! It was the most precious thing!!!
Jones is in the stage where he has to do everything by himself. He has just become potty trained and I think he really likes it. He wants to be the one to take off his shorts and cute Elmo underwear, not mommie or daddy. When he needs to poo poo, he demands that we turn on the fan and shut the door. It is hilarious. Then when he is done, he yells, "mom, I'm done" and usually he is. Thanks to his sweet friend Eli C, he is extremely fond of going pee pee outside in the grass now to and I usually let him!
Jones loves for me to "make a noise." This started out as him saying "mommie, makin a na noise?" with this curious, yet excited look on his face. At first I had no idea what he was talking about until one day he pointed at my stand mixer in the kitchen...he wanted me to make "pupcakepes." He even told his teacher "Ms. Dallah" (aka, Marcella) that he loves his Mommie because I "cupcakes, eggs, and make noise." He still asks me if we can "make noise" although now he can actually say, "make noise" and not "makin a na noise" although I really thought that was cute.
Jones is in love with Gaygee too. He has always called Grayson "gaygee" but has now started to say "Gaygon." He has a hard time saying the "s" sound but is doing very well talking. Jones loves to kiss his baby and rub his head. He is very protective of Grayson and likes to check on him, wake him up in the morning and hug him. There are many times that he is jealous and he acts out but he truly loves his baby. My favorite thing has has said about Grayson is when Grayson was sick and had really high temperatures. I had both boys eating breakfast at the table and Jones got up out of his chair, felt Grayson's forehead and said, "Mom, my baby is hot, he needs medicine." I just about died I thought it was so sweet. One day this week, I will make a list on here of all the sweet, funny things that Jones says. I want to remember all of them!
Grayson is such an amazing little baby. I can believe how much he has grown. He now has 4 teeth, 3 on the bottom and 1 on top. He is 21 pounds and about 28 inches long. He is the best size, still feels like a baby but very much growing up to be a little toddler. He is crawling all over the place. His favorite place to be is under the kitchen table. He loves to take a chair and push or pull it around the kitchen. He absolutely loves the little door stoppers. He will play with them for a good 30 minutes. Jones used to be terrified of them but now loves them too. Grayson is cruising between furniture and will now take about 10 steps while I hold one hand. He is a very very happy, content baby. Rarely fussy unless he has an ear infection...we are now on the 3rd antibiotic since Memorial day and have been referred to the ENT for tubes. I am SO READY for tubes. They were great with Jones and so I now want Grayson to get them.
Grayson sees an Early Interventionist with Easter Seals once a week as well as a physical therapist and speech therapist. I can really tell a huge improvement since we added the physical therapist and the speech therapist. The other day he reached his arms up for me to pick him up and said, "ma ma ma ma ma" at the same time. He did the same thing to Jai, but obviously said "da da da." That is huge!! I am just constantly amazed at how far he has come from one year ago. He wasn't even out of the hospital yet this time last year! AMAZING!
Grayson is so cute when he gets excited. If he is sitting, he moves his little legs up and down until he is bouncing on the ground. He also loves to play with Jones. At night I rock both of them at the same time and if Grayson is in a playful mood (he usually is) he will play a game with Jones and try to take Jones' paci....oh it is hilarious bc Jones plays back and tries to get Grayson's. Grayson is always very curious to know what Jones is doing.
Jai has started working at Founders FCU in Lancaster so we will be moving to either Rock Hill or Fort Mill very soon. We will live with Jai's parents until our house sells. No clue how long that will take. We have had 2 people look at it so far....I'm afraid this is going to take a while but at least I will have somewhere to stay during football season!!!
I just accepted a job at a small outpatient surgery center in Indian Land. It is directly across the street from the boys new daycare and I am really excited about that. The job sounds great. It will be full time but the hours will be 5-1 on an "early" day or 7-3, 7-5 depending on the day. To me, the earlier the better so I can get the boys and go home. Although the job does not sound as challenging as my current position in management, I think I will really like having good hours for the boys and I certainly won't have any work to bring home so that will be nice. As hard as it will be to leave Lexington, I am ready to get back into the same house as Jai. He is living in Lancaster Monday - Friday and being a single momma of 2 young boys aint easy!
It will be VERY VERY hard to leave Lexington. As much as I have always wanted to, I am really upset about it. We have joined a church and made a lot of friends. I can't even begin to talk about leaving my job, friends and co-workers at the good ole Rich-land. It hurts my heart. Nuff said cause I could go on for hours. Time for bed but here are some pictures of my sweet family!
My Sweet Grayson, a little over 1 year
Jones loves his baby
He is all about making silly faces these days.
This was 4th of July and celebrating my Grandma's 91st birthday