mmmmm....good! (I promise his eyes don't usually cross...the milk must be that good!)
sound asleep in mommie's arms with a yummt paci!
I love this picture because Grayson looks sooo tiny in the big ole bouncy seat!
So proud and excited to be wearing mommie's new Mommie needs to wear them to the gym!
As time goes on, I see this blog turning into more of a blog about my sweet little family instead of just about Grayson. There are just so many things to write about when it comes to all of my boys!!!
Jai and I are still trying to figure out our new routine with having Grayson home. We are trying to keep Jones in his same routine as much as we can. The good thing is, Grayson sleeps a lot and so I feel like I am able to spend some quality time with Jones in the afternoon before he goes to bed, keeping him in his established routine. Jones loves to feed the kitties Fancy Feast (can you believe Jai Bell's son LOVES kitties???!), so every night after dinner we go and feed the kitties. This usually turns into playing with the water hose and both of us getting soaked so then it is bath time. I rock Jones to sleep after his bath and then it is time to give Grayson a bottle. So Jones' routine is about the same as it always has been.
Grayson's schedule is to eat, sleep, and poop around the clock, tough life huh? He eats at 9, 12, 3, 6, etc. He is taking iron at 9 am and 9 pm, and caffeine at 3 pm, so he takes a bottle with his medicines. All other times, he nurses. He is getting much better at nursing and not requiring a bottle afterwards, which is great!!! I am still pumping milk, and goodness gracious, just call me Elsie! I may need two deep freezes when this is all over with! I meant to get Grayson weighed yesterday but instead we snuggled and slept until just about 1:30pm, when he had an apnea episode, but that was the first in about 2 days...not too bad!
Having "two under two" is certainly as difficult as everyone says that it will be, but looking into my sweet children's eyes makes me forget just how tired I am or how hard it is. Speaking of the word "children" I said Grayson's prayers last night, then went and said Jones' prayers, and as I was saying mine, I thanked God for my children and then it dawned on me...I can no longer say that I have one child, nor can I say that I am a child. Using the word "children" has made me realize just how much I have grown up! It is a bitter sweet feeling, but certainly a good one.
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