Neat, today is 8.9.10, just noticed that! So, as everyone that knows me knows, I am scared to death of germs, to the point that my hands look like they are shedding because I wash them so much around Grayson (ok, so maybe not shedding but they look like it is the dead of winter). Because of germs, I have had this major dilemma around daycare and picking up Jones from there for these reasons:
1. I don't want to take Grayson inside until I absolutely have to
2. If I don't take him inside, I would have to leave him in the car...I can't turn it off because it is August in SC, but if I leave it on, I'll worry that someone would steal it (yes, these thoughts actually go through my head).
So today, I had to take Jones a blanket because we forgot to pack it and I would hate for wittle lovie to nap without one. I pulled up into the circle drive of Windsor Academy and left the car running, ran inside and dropped the blanket off in front with Rhonda (my car was in my sight the entire time), but just as I was leaving one of the sweetest teachers was leaving and asked if I had Grayson with me. I can't lie, so I said yes, and of course she wanted to see him. This is where I say to just call me crazy because I said that she couldn't see him while he was in the car. Now, I know that I am nuts, but now I feel bad like maybe that was a little too nuts! I'm sure that it would have been perfectly ok for her to just look at him, but I just couldn't do it. It's like I want him to stay in a bubble for as long as he possibly can. Of course she understood and said that she would be the same way, but I still feel awful about it.
So when is it ok for people to just look at him, or to take him inside daycare...? I know no one has the answers but I do plan on getting Dr. Head's advice this afternoon (she is so wonderful if anyone needs a pediatrician in Lexington). Regardless of what she says, I think the answer has come to me...it will be ok when I am finally ok with it or when I just have to let it happen. For example, I will have to take Jones to his 18mo check up in 2 weeks and I will not leave Grayson in a running car when I can't keep my eye on it or never one that is turned off , so I will have to take Grayson inside daycare to pick up Jones...That is where these things will come in handy:

(Thanks Mom for telling me about them! http://www.touchytags.com/)
I LOVE THE WOMAN THAT CAME UP WITH THESE! Whoever she is, I believe we would be the best of friends and chase people around with hand sanitizer together and laugh about it. If only I had come up with her idea...
I will end with saying that I feel so blessed and thankful that people want to see Grayson, especially those that have followed his journey and my pregnancy and one day, I promise everyone will be able to meet him!
You will know the right thing to do- definitely listen to the pediatrician. We see another doc in Pal Peds- LOVE them!
ReplyDeletePray too- God will guide you as to how to best care for your little blessing.
Things will be much better once you get thru this 1st winter. RSV season starts late Oct. and runs thru March most years. All the growing Grayson is doing is great though; it helps his lungs grow too! Wishing you all the best!
And, thanks for the tip on the little tags. I've never seen those before, but I think I'll look for one for Austin and Cameron! :-)