Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 5 Back to Birth Weight

Today I spent a while in the room with Grayson. It was nice just to be there even though I can't do anything with him yet. Dr. Coates sat down and gave me updates...Grayson is tolerating 26 mL of breastmilk every 3 hours, which is great. So great that they actually stopped the gatorade and fat IV and just give him a sugary solution with some potassium through his IV
(D10 with sodium acetate and potassium acetate, I think) at 3 cc/hr. Dr. Coates thinks that if things continue to go well, then they can stop his IV and take out his PICC line in the next 2-3 days. That is great news. They also added a fortifier to the breast milk that adds calories, but most importantly it adds calcium, phosphorus, and some other goodies that preemies need more of.

The little Trooper's bilirubin level is 10.4, which continues to trend down. Dr. Coates thinks he will need one or two more days of the bili lights. Grayson was so cute today, he seemed like he didnt like his glasses and hat because he kept trying to move his glasses off his eyes....bout made me crazy because I was constantly up checking on his eyes.

Tonight Grayson weighed in at 3lbs and 14 ounces....so he is back to his birth weight! That is such good news, like music to my ears. The nurse today made it sound like a baby of his age should keep gaining and not lose anymore weight.

I cant wait to see our little Trooper tomorrow, he is such a cutie.

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