Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 6 No more bili lights!

Little Grayson's bilirubin level came down to 9.1 today and so the doctors decided to discontinue the photo therapy. He looked so cute when the glasses came off. The lights were very dim in the room and he opened his little eyes and looked all around. I reached in the isolette and rubbed his little head and he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep for a minute, but then opened his eyes again. He is just the tiniest thing. I patted his little bottom today and it just fits in the palm of my hand. Also I measured his body with my hand, from his shoulders to his rump is about the length of my middle finger to the end of my palm...soooo tiny! Especially in comparison to his big brother!

The nurse turned his IV fluids down to 1.5mL/hr, with the expectation that they will stop them tomorrow and take out his PICC line. He is tolerating 30mL of food every 3 hours. He had a little bit left over in his stomach so they are slowing down how fast they increase his feeds, but that is ok, we aren't in a hurry. What progress though!!!!! Tomorrow will be his one week hard to believe and hard to believe how fast time is going by at this point.

Also...tonight Grayson weighed in at 4 pounds!!!!!!! He gained 2 ounces in one day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the best news that I've heard in a long time!!!


  1. He looks wonderful! I love his little boppy nest. He's going to grow fast and strong over the next few weeks. Congratulations to ya'll! -Rebecca and Michael

  2. Cam - He looks so perfect!! That's great he is off the lights and gaining weight. And I love that you started a blog. Keep writing! I love reading about your little family. Congrats, again, to you, Jai and big brother Jones!!

  3. Sweet baby, Grayson! He looks so good, Camille. He is such a cutie and I am cheering for him each day. And I too see a resemblance to his adorable big brother.
    Love you. G
