Thursday, August 5, 2010

Simply Amazing

That is my hair curling up in the back.

uhhh sooo cute!!!

Children amaze me. Every stage is so different. I found that when Jones was a baby (well, he still is, but when he was a wittle thing), I was always thinking that I loved the stage that he was in, until another stage came along, then I loved that one more. Now Jones is entering the "terrible twos" a little early, but it is a lot of fun. Jai and I have to turn our heads so he won't see us laughing when we have to send him to time-out. All we have to say is, "Jones, go to time-out" and off he goes to the pantry door (we make him sit right in front of it). He has to put his little bottom all the way up against the door and then slides down it so that his back is perfectly lined up against it. He will sit there for about 30 seconds before he starts to get up and looks at us for our "permission." He is a mess, but a darn cute one!

It is really neat to look at Grayson and think that he is still supposed to be in my belly. I would be 37 weeks pregnant this week, but I never really thought that I would make it to 37 weeks. Anyway, I looked at Grayson today and just thought that babies and children are just simply amazing. All Grayson wants to do is be cuddled, sleep, poop/pee, and eat, what an awesome life! And it is truly amazing that we are making him do all these things that I am supposed to be doing for him and he does it pretty much with no problem! Grayson loves to be held. When ever we lay him down in the swing, crib, or bouncy seat, he grunts, moans, cuts up and carries on until he is picked up and then he goes right to sleep on our chests. Too sweet! He is so little and soft and cuddly that he feels like a little kitten when I snuggle with him. I just love it.

Grayson's monitor goes off about once per day showing apnea. I have noticed a pattern that it is usually when he is lying on his stomach on our chests, sleeping hard. The monitor has not gone off with him alone in his crib unless the leads are loose. Since he is approaching his due date, maybe he will grow out of it soon. Longs Medical came and did the first download the other day, so maybe on Monday when we see Dr. Head she will have an update.

Life is good. I am taking full advantage of sleeping when Grayson sleeps, although I have this strong urge to clean and organize closets....maybe because I would be nesting right now if still pregnant? So, off to clean...maybe I'll get better at updating this to come later.

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