Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 24 - Ughhh the frustration!

Today was frustrating because Grayson didn't do so hot with the bottle. He nursed for about 10 minutes, then I offered him the bottle because I wasn't sure if he got enough milk. Well, he didn't want the bottle. He either is getting used to nursing or was full from nursing or just plain of didn't want the stinkin bottle. I'm hoping that he just got full from nursing. It was frustrating because he did so well yesterday nursing for 16 minutes, I'm not sure that 10 minutes is enough for him. We'll see how tomorrow goes!

Grayson has really filled out, his legs and arms have more fat on them and he has this huge budda belly, it is so cute! I am amazed at how much he has grown. Tonight he weighed in at 5 pounds and 8.2 ounces, so he is really packing on the lbs! The nurse said on Sunday nights is when they measure head circumference and length...she didn't tell me the head measurement, but that he had gained 5cm (I think), and is right on track. For length, he was 45.5 cm, or 17.9 inches, so he has gotten longer for sure.

He will be 35 weeks tomorrow. It is so hard to believe. We are both so ready for him to come home. Going back and forth to the hospital is wearing me out. It is so hard to split time between Jones and Grayson with Gray at the hospital. I feel so guilty leaving him there, but I know that I can't stay there all the time. Maybe I will be able to speak to a doctor tomorrow and determine when they think he'll be ready to come home.

Pictures will come soon. Good night.

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