Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 27 - Making the plans...

Sounds like Saturday is still the big day for Grayson's discharge. Although I don't want to rush things, I am ready for the lil guy to get home. I am extremely nervous about germs, the monitor, meds, etc...I hope that things turn out ok.

Not too much happened today. Phyllis has been his nurse for the past two days and she has been great about getting things lined up and checked off for discharge. We have signed papers, she has shown me the meds and how to draw them up (as if I don't know, but I'm sure they have to document "caregiver education completed"), the doctors have ordered tests that have to be done, etc. There is a lot to do!

Grayson will have a car seat test tomorrow, I believe. At first I thought they were actually going to just check the car seat and make sure it was safe, he fit well, that kind of thing. Apparently that isn't it at all! They are going to put him in the seat about 1 hour after he eats and watch the monitor while in the seat to make sure that he doesn't drop his sats, heart rate, or whatever else. I'm not sure why they do this...maybe because if his head falls forward that will occlude his airway...? That is the only thing I can think of.

Jai and I will take CPR for Infants on Friday and then we have the monitor check-off. Then we are supposed to stay Friday night and respond to the alarms with nurses back up, if needed. Should be interesting!

Grayson nursed extremely well today. I nursed him at 9, 12, and 3. He did about 15-20 minutes depending on if he had a bottle with meds before. I am surprised at how well he has done with it. I plan on spending the night at the hospital to nurse him all night, all day tomorrow, and all night Thursday. My personal goal with that is to make sure he is gaining weight while being mostly nursed. I'll have to miss at least 2 feeds a day to spend time with my other lil man. Speaking of...he is having horrible separation anxiety! WOW. He has slept with us the past 3 nights and is constantly looking for "ma-ne" and "da daddy." This certainly is not the best time to be going through this but Jai and I are doing our best. God doesn't give you what you can't handle!

On the way to the hospital to stay with my sweet love while hopefully my other sweet love will sleep well.

Grayson weighed in at 5 pounds and 13 ounces tonight!!!

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